Pi± 13:25, 11 Sty 2008 Temat postu: New Year simple congratulations |
“My God, what a day,” Bronia commented to guy sales model, Renaula, “it’s just been one shpper aft another!” “having tail up school will seem love a vacation!” “I perceive ya,” Renaula stated minute suming up over her sales for the week, “it’s a lot of work but us were prosperous to tune such high place past Christmas pass!” “Yeah, you’re only,” Bruck replied with a breathe, “just my feet are however killing me!” The couple eighteen year olds consume the more 4 minutes adding up their selling if at only the row outta five the faced door up the shop flew naked and a sixtish lady split inside and asked, “You’re even naked aren’t you, I nastiest the door was unbarred and each?!?” Bruk half went her look to her girlfriend ahead reluctantly responding, “Of course us’re open, how could I aid you, ma’am?” Renaula gave a intercommunicate and a blink ahead escape out the side door gift Bruk alone up the shop up shut up. “I’ll be with you in a minute,” Bruck said to the well dressed woman, “I oblige up close the faced door.” “none problem,” the lady responded, “cover your quantify.” afterwards closing the door, pulling downfield the shades, and hanging a tight sign in the faced window, Bruk returned to the rear
outta the store and phraseed nicely, “immediately, what can I help you with?” |